Text Message Marketing

For any business looking to interact with current and potential customers in a meaningful, practical way, text message marketing is one of the best tools to do so.
Relevant Focus

Increase Engagement with Your Valuable Customers

Interested in connecting more often with your customers. It’s not a surprise that the sheer amount of mobile devices in use across the nation continues to rise. Many people access their devices dozens – if not hundreds – of times each day. With text message marketing, you’ll put those huge numbers to use. Whenever a possible customer takes a look at their device it’s another opportunity for them to see a message promoting your products and services.

In fact, text messaging can be even more dependable than email. The great majority of mobile phone users will open a text message within a minute or so. Consequently, with text message marketing, you’ll stay out of spam folders and gain a much higher likelihood that recipients will open your message. Plus, consumers tend to feel more at ease responding to texts.

What we Offer

We are intelligent in action.

Web Development

PPC (Pay Per Click)

Text Message Marketing

Remote Call Forwarding

Social Media Marketing

035 - Creative ThinkingCreated with Sketch.

Graphic Design


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A Core Part of Your Marketing Solutions

Text message marketing works well in conjunction with other components of your marketing strategy. Typically, text messaging service providers permit their users to integrate with other marketing elements. For instance, at Relevant Focus, our team makes integration convenient with a variety of other tools such as MailChimp or Eventbrite.

Gain Insight into Your Current and Future Core Customers

Text message marketing includes much more than just distributing messages to names on a list. Indeed, it is an effective approach to marketing that allows for direct interaction with individual customers. And text messaging is not just less intrusive than calling customers - you can also choose to automate the process to make it even more efficient!

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Relevant Focus is a multi-channel approach that flawlessly consolidates different components to make an incorporated client experience.

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